New York Comic Con 2018 took place last week, during October 3 – 6. And with season 4 about to hit our screens, the Outlander team were there in some force. Sam was there. Cait was there. Richard and Sophie was there. And Diana Gabaldon was there with Ron Moore and Maril Davis. They attended panels, answered interviews showed videos, and gave us a few hints about what we should expect in the coming season.
The panel, hosted by Lola Ogunnaike, discussed what we should expect in season 4. To be honest, there were no amazing revelations. However, it was interesting to hear Ron Moore talk about the possibility of other time travellers appearing in the show. Also, we had been curious about the use of Slovakia as a location. So, we were happy to have that question answered.
Tara Bennett also interviewed the actors. They discussed the use of an ex-quarry as a major set to represent 18th century North Carolina. Sam and Roger also talked about their ‘willies’ in the show, which everyone enjoyed.
The ever-present Kevin Smith also had a chance to speak with Caitriona and co., describing the show as ‘a religion’. For many, he was right on the mark.